

Work 5 hours a day in our 35 bed garden, on bio-construction projects, cultivating edible Ostra mushrooms, bee keeping, taking care of animals and making compost. We are looking for people with skills, and people who want to learn. . Cook and share meals with other volunteers from around the world.


Learn to cook and eat healthy vegan food, learn some traditional Ecuadorian recipes and how to make sour dough bread. Enjoy pizza nights and the warmth of a wood stove and great company from around the world.


Rhiannon is a child friendly place and we would love to welcome volunteers with children! We have 2 children who are home schooled and around to play most of the time!

Experience the beauty of alternative living

Spirituality & Healing

Come and share heart circles, sacred songs, energy healing and traditional medicine ceremonies alongside just being in nature to heal yourself while you are with us.

Permaculture & Sustainability

Learn about permaculture design in practice such as rainwater harvesting, grey water recycling, earth bag building, use of solar energy, reforestation and soil regeneration. Discover techniques that you can apply in your own home or project.

Simple Living

Live simply in connection with Mother Earth and enjoy abundance in the simple things in life, friends, food and fun. Go 'shopping' in our free shop and get away from the intense capitalist experience. Take a moment to disconnect from technology.

If you are planning to stay for more than a week with us we encourage you to become a volunteer


Minimum stay of 2 weeks.

We require prior contact including a short video about your interests, skills and expectations.

We request a financial contribution to help towards expenses, and in exchange we provide you with 3 meals a day including on your days off. Contact us to find out more.

Stays of longer than 1 month are encouraged (but cannot be guaranteed). At the end of the first month we can discuss and agree on an individual basis.

If you have specific skills in plumbing, electricity, carpentry or organic farming we would LOVE to receive your help, let us know before you come.

Before you come...

Food: We provide 3 meals a day but not snacks for break time. There is a small honesty shop at the farm selling peanuts, raisins, chocolates, beer, wine, coffee, peanut butter, but you might like to bring bread, avocadoes, tea bags etc.

Clothes: It gets cold at nights. We provide blankets but be sure you bring enough warm clothes for sleeping. We have plenty of gumboots you can borrow for work. Bring sun cream, we live on the equator.

Soaps/Shampoos: The waste water from the bathroom and laundry area goes to a small garden. Please bring only natural soaps and shampoos.

Disposable Items: We try to minimise waste and ask you to minimise bringing: plastic bottles, plastic packaging, disposable sanitary towels (we sell moon cups) or disposable diapers, commercial cigarettes (we sell tobacco without filters).

Animals: We have a lot of dogs and cats already. Please don´t bring yours with you, even if its just for a short stay, as it usually leads to dog fights or problems.

Thing you could bring to share!!! Below is a list of things that make people happy, are expensive or hard to get in Ecuador or we get through very quickly. If you want to bring something extra feel free!!

Olive oil, mugs, biro pens, tea bags, coffee, fly strips.