
If you want to connect more deeply with yourself, these are some of the opportunities that are available. While many of these offerings require payment, some are free – feel free to check in with us!

Energy Healing

We are all made up of energy, we give and receive energy all the time. We often absorb energy into our aura from people or situations without being conscious of it. Within our aura we have major and minor energy centres which pick up information. An energy Healing Session can help unblock and realign us, induce relaxation and alleviate stress.


Nicky is a qualified Reiki Practitioner and would love to work with you. There is always time for feedback on both sides at the end. These sessions are held on request on an exchange or donation basis.





Heart Circles and Song Circles

Rhiannon’s heart circles offer a safe space where we share as community what we are feeling and experiencing. Heart circles help us all go a bit deeper and get to know each other more.

We also often meet for song circles where we practice mostly medicine songs.


Rhiannon hosts both San Pedro, Mushrooms and Ayahuasca ceremonies regularly. We work with a number of trusted women and men of medicine. Contact us for more information.

Rhiannon is a welsh goddess whose name means divine queen of the fairies. The Story of the Celtic goddess reminds us of the healing power of humor, tears and forgiveness. She is the goddess of movement and change, yet is steadfast and comforts us in times of crisis or loss.


Rhiannon was the lunar goddess of fertility and rebirth, transformation, wisdom and magic. She was worshipped under the moonlight. Ultimately Rhiannon is honored for granting the wishes of those who could ask for what they want, and she is known to scorn those who cannot, or will not, ask for what they want.